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Cambodia started out with the road from hell. It was 8 hours of the worst road I have ever seen, and I will no longer complain about the odd pothole back home. The van had tansmission problems - first 2 gears didn't work, then it wouldn't start after a rest stop - we needed a boost, then we had 3 flat tires that had to be fixed.

Despite all that, the country was great and so were the people, which is hard to believe after seeing all the brutual poverty that is in the country.

I met up with 5 others - George, Kate, Karl, Ben & Becky - on the bus, and we ended up travelling together for the 2 weeks I was in Cambodia. After that, 3 of the people went up the coast back into Thailand, and 3 of us went south into Vietnam.

Not a sign I remember seeing in North America

Ruins at Angkor Wat

Monks, not reaaly working too hard. But at least they're not out fondling boys like their Catholic counterparts.

More ruins.

Lots of roadside vendors - Karl & Becky on the right.

Mmmm .... steak.

Yeah, I climbed those damn stairs - you don't see all of them, and it's higher then it looks. I was sweating like a fucking pig.

And more ruins.

Uh, even more ruins.

Yeah ... still more ruins.

A typical house in Cambodia.

This is in the town of Siem Reap. Yes I avoided taking a swim.

Getting blitzed on rice wine - aka: strong local whisky - aka: Cambodian moonshine.

Becky - white shirt, back, Kate - pink, back left, Geoege - red, left, Ben - white shirt, front left, Karl - no shirt, front center.

Waterfront property.

It's hard to describe, but these houses are surrounded by miles of water.

The Killing Fields.

Same display - skulls arranged by age & sex.

A display / info at the Killing Fields.

'86 mass graves, 8985 victims'

Prison camp S21 in Phenom Penh. Political prisoners and their families were brought here and tortured. Approximately 25% of the entire Cambodian population was killed.

A small part of the display showing some of the victims.

My foot. This is the day after my foot was swarmed by red ants. They bit all at once, and my ankle swelled up. I prescribed myself plenty of alcohol to recover.

Sihanoukville. Paradise.

Sihanoukville again.

Our bar on the beach.